I worked at a grocery store over the summer, so I always collected good pieces of cardboard on truck days. One day I hit the jackpot and found pieces that were the perfect size for a game board...and they even were perforated down the center for the perfect fold! I printed out clipart offline and colored it. I used colored card stock and permanent marker to finish off the details. After gluing everything down, I covered the board with contact paper in an attempt to save it from the kids' sticky fingers. I used some old dominos to make the game pieces. I simply used a hot glue gun to attach the pictures to the dominos.
If the player answers the question on their card correctly, they receive a ticket. The player with the most tickets at the end of the game wins!
When I created the cards for the game, I made the questions on red, blue, and yellow cards. The color of space the student lands on after rolling the dice determines the color card they choose. I usually put different types/levels of questions on the different colored cards (ex: blue = math, red = sight words, yellow = letter ID, etc.).
I've always had a slight obsession with The Wizard of Oz, so of course I had to make a Wizard of Oz game too!
I made this game the same way as the Thomas game. I forgot to make distinct spaces on the Yellow Brick Road, so I will have to go back and put stickers or something before the kids play it.
So the kids wouldn't get bored playing the same game, I made a variety of cards for them to use when playing. While cleaning out my basement this summer, I came across an old Junior Trivia game.
I browsed through the ridiculously outdated questions and decided I would cut up the cards and use them for my classroom games.
After lots of cutting, pasting, organizing, and labeling, I had a plethora of card sets for the kids :)
Each bag is labeled with the topic of cards it contains. It also is labeled with a colored sticker that corresponds with a colored sticker on each card. It's a simple way to keep cards organized by topic!
Kids can roll the dice and answer the question that matches up with the number they roll. They can also answer all the questions on the card. You can adapt the games however you want depending on the amount of time available and the group of kids playing the game!
The cards for the game can be as simple as letter or sound identification for pre-school, kindergarten, and first graders!
I mostly used sight words when playing the board games with kids. They always needed to practice them, and this was a fun alternative to just reading them off the cards. The game made it more exciting!
Including the dice on one side of the cards also helps the kids practice numbers / counting while practicing sight words. Using the dice really helped a lot of my kids with counting fluency and adding because sometimes when they used 2 dice to roll, they'd have to add the numbers before picking a card.
Counting money and making change is always difficult for a lot of my kids, so we'd practice it while playing a game!
I used these cards with my fourth graders. We didn't use the game boards. Instead they had bingo boards. I gave them blank bingo boards and they had to fill in their vocabulary words (bold words on these cards). Each student was able to pick the 20 words they wanted (from their entire vocabulary list) and place them on the board where they wanted. To play, I read the definitions of the words aloud and they had to know the word that matched each definition and cover it on their board. This was a fun alternative to just studying their vocabulary words.
All of these games and game cards are really easy and fun to create! The kids really enjoy playing when the games are related to their interests. It's also really easy to create 100 different games using one single game board!